Why I Give to CoOL

Olivia Primanis
Book Conservator, Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin

January 17, 2013

When I am stumped by a preservation problem or conservation treatment, I consult CoOL and the Conservation Distlist. I can quickly gather information from this amazing centralized repository covering over twenty-five preservation and conservation topics, selected bibliographies and more. I can find organizations like WAAC and the Video Preservation website or query the archives of numerous sister organizations. I find that even if I don't navigate to CoOL when I have a query, I usually find myself directed there by the search engine.

How often do you enjoy reading the Distlist or consult CoOL?

I remember Walter Henry telling us about the World Wide Web at AIC meetings in the late 1980s and the new way that conservators would be able to communicate. Walter built a pretty remarkable framework. Combined with the Conservation Distlist, which has over 10,000 members in 94 countries, Conservation Online has become one of the main sources for preservation and conservation information in the world.

CoOL, like the AIC and the FAIC, is us. It is an essential resource for our field, where we can build on the past with our current efforts. Since the FAIC has taken over responsibility, a new phase has begun for CoOL. At this time, I would like to challenge the conservation community to give to CoOL, so that we can continue to build Conservation Online, and so that it can continue to be freely available to conservators around the world.

If you would pay $1.00 a day for coffee to stay awake, how much could a resource be worth if it helps you stay informed? Please join me to support CoOL and remember no contribution is too small.

You can donate online at http://www.conservation-us.org/donate
or mail a check to:

Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation (FAIC)
1156 15th Street, NW, Suite 320
Washington, DC 20005

Thank you for your participation and support.

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