Big 11 Pilot Directory

Directory Survey Form

The functions to be reported are grouped in a general way into administration, reformatting, and physical treatment. In each case, the person actually responsible for supervising and/or performing the function should be listed, along with the other pertinent information. Whenever possible, terms and arrangement are matched to those used by ARL. The essential data for each person would consist of name, mailing address, e-mail, title, telephone/fax number, and unit. In addition to the basic directory information, each respondent should provide some descriptive narrative, as shown.

1. Administration.

1.1   Preservation Program Director.
Name/Title                   E-mail:                  Address:
Unit:                        Telephone:               Fax:
To whom does this person report?

1.2   Assistant (to) Director.
Name/Title:                  E-mail:                  Address:
Unit:                        Telephone:               Fax:
To whom does this person report?

1.3   Others (list as above).
To whom does this person report?

Please note the following functions and respond as above.  Who is/are
responsible for:

        A.      Developing grant proposals?
        B.      PRESERV representative?
        C.      Staff and user education?
        D.      Collection surveys?
        E.      Furbishing?
        F.      Environmental monitoring?
        G.      Fumigation?
        H.      Disaster preparedness?
        I.      Other?

2. Reformatting.

2.1     Head of reformatting.
Name/Title:                  E-mail:                   Addresse:
Unit:                        Telephone:                Fax:
To whom does this person report?

Please note the following functions and respond as above.  Who is/are
responsible for:

        A.      Contract microfilm?
        B.      In-house film?
        C.      Contract preservation photocopy?
        D.      In-house preservation photocopy?
        E.      Contract photographic preservation?
        F.      In-house photographic preservation?
        G.      Brittle-books replacement?
        H.      Digital imaging?
        I.      Other?

3. Physical Treatment.

3.1     Head of physical treatment.
Name/Title:                  E-mail:                  Address:
Unit:                        Telephone:               Fax:

Please note the following functions and respond as above.  Who is /are
responsible for:

        A.      Commercial binding processing?
        B.      Commercial binding contracts?
        C.      Book repair (i.e. levels 1 and 2 in ARL Statistics)?
        D.      Book conservation (i.e. level 3)?
        E.      Contract book conservation?
        F.      Paper conservation?
        G.      Contract paper conservation?
        H.      Photographic conservation?
        I.      Contract photographic conservation?
        J.      Magnetic media (e.g. audi-materials)?
        K.      Contract magnetic media?
        L.      Preparation (i.e. pre-shelf process of          paperbacks/pamphlets)?
        M.      Security marking (i.e. call numbers, bookplating)?

4. Profile Information from Most Recent ARL Preservation Statistics.

4.1     Number of volumes in collection:
4.2     Number and/or linear feet manuscripts:
4.3     Number of reels of microfilm:
4.4     Full time employees  and equivalents (from ARL Preservation Statistics).
Respond according to the categories below.

        A.      Preservation adminstrator:         percent of time:
        B.      Professional preservation unit staff:
        C.      Nonprofessional preservation unit staff:
        D.      Student assistants in preservation unit:
        E.      Total preservation unit staff:
        F.      Professional preservation staff library-wide:
        G.      Nonprofessional preservation staff library-wide:
        H.      Student assistants library-wide:
        I.      Total preservation staff:

4.5     Expenditures (from ARL Preservation Statistics).

        A.      Total preservation expenditures:
        B.      Total from external sources:
        C:      Preservation as percentage of materials expenditures:

4.6     Physical treatment (from ARL Preservation Statistics).

        A.      Volumes treated in-house:
        B.      Volumes treated contract:
        C.      Sheets treated in-house:
        D.      Sheets treated contract:
        E.      Non-paper items treated in-house:
        F.      Non-paper items treated contract:
        G.      Enclosures in-house:
        H.      Enclosures contract:
        I.      Binding in-house:
        J.      Binding contract:

4.7     Reformatting (from ARL Preservation Statistics).

        A.      Microfilm exposures in-house:
        B.      Microfilm exposures contract:
        C.      Microfiche exposures in-house:
        D.      Microfiche exposures contract:
        E.      Entire item photocopy in-house:
        F.      Entire item photocopy contract:
        G.      Digital images produced in-house:
        H.      Digital images produced contract:

5. Optional Narrative Description.

Please provide a brief narrative description of the
preservation program, and describe specific preservation projects
being undertaken by the Library and their anticipated

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