Information about Conservation/Preservation Organizations

This area contains information about various organizations whose work either directly or indirectly concerns itself with the conservation/preservation of museum, library, and archive materials but for whom CoOL does not have a significant of documents. Other organizations, with more substantial representation in CoOL are found in the Organizations area.

Art Watch

by Elizabeth C. Welsh

Florida Library Association

Preservation Caucus Minute, 1993

FLICC Preservation Information Resource List

This list of "key resources which may be of use to federal libraries and information centers in preserving their collections" was produced by the Federal Library and Information Center Committee Preservation Working Group

Institute of Cuban History

This document, in Spanish, provides information about information services of the Instituto de Historia de Cuba

Library of Congress
For information about preservatoin at the Library of Congress see Preservation Directorate.
For info about the Library, its programs and services, see the LC web server

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