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Appendix I: Program

Workshop on Electronic Texts

9-10 June 1992
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C.

    Supported by a Grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Tuesday, 9 June 1992


8:30 AM   Coffee and Danish, registration

9:00 AM   Welcome

          Prosser Gifford, Director for Scholarly Programs, and Carl
             Fleischhauer, Coordinator, American Memory, Library of

9:l5 AM   Session I.  Content in a New Form:  Who Will Use It and What
          Will They Do?

          Broad description of the range of electronic information.
          Characterization of who uses it and how it is or may be used.
          In addition to a look at scholarly uses, this session will
          include a presentation on use by students (K-12 and college)
          and the general public.

          Moderator:  James Daly
          Avra Michelson, Archival Research and Evaluation Staff,
             National Archives and Records Administration (Overview)
          Susan H. Veccia, Team Leader, American Memory, User Evaluation,
          Joanne Freeman, Associate Coordinator, American Memory, Library
             of Congress (Beyond the scholar)

11:00 AM  Break

11:00 AM  Session II.  Show and Tell.

          Each presentation to consist of a fifteen-minute
          statement/show; group discussion will follow lunch.

          Moderator:  Jacqueline Hess, Director, National Demonstration

            1.  A classics project, stressing texts and text retrieval
                more than multimedia:  Perseus Project, Harvard
                Elli Mylonas, Managing Editor

            2.  Other humanities projects employing the emerging norms of
                the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI):  Chadwyck-Healey's
                The English Poetry Full Text Database and/or Patrologia
                Latina Database
                Eric M. Calaluca, Vice President, Chadwyck-Healey, Inc.

            3.  American Memory
                Carl Fleischhauer, Coordinator, and
                Ricky Erway, Associate Coordinator, Library of Congress

            4.  Founding Fathers example from Packard Humanities
                Institute:  The Papers of George Washington, University
                of Virginia
                Dorothy Twohig, Managing Editor, and/or
                David Woodley Packard

            5.  An electronic medical journal offering graphics and
                full-text searchability:  The Online Journal of Current
                Clinical Trials, American Association for the Advancement
                of Science
                Maria L. Lebron, Managing Editor

            6.  A project that offers facsimile images of pages but omits
                searchable text:  Cornell math books
                Lynne K. Personius, Assistant Director, Cornell
                   Information Technologies for Scholarly Information
                   Sources, Cornell University

12:30 PM  Lunch  (Dining Room A, Library Madison 620.  Exhibits

1:30 PM   Session II.  Show and Tell (Cont'd.).

3:30 PM   Break

5:30 PM   Session III.  Distribution, Networks, and Networking:  Options
          for Dissemination.

          Published disks:  University presses and public-sector
             publishers, private-sector publishers
          Computer networks

          Moderator:  Robert G. Zich, Special Assistant to the Associate
             Librarian for Special Projects, Library of Congress
          Clifford A. Lynch, Director, Library Automation, University of
          Howard Besser, School of Library and Information Science,
             University of Pittsburgh
          Ronald L. Larsen, Associate Director of Libraries for
             Information Technology, University of Maryland at College
          Edwin B. Brownrigg, Executive Director, Memex Research

6:30 PM   Reception  (Montpelier Room, Library Madison 619.)


Wednesday, 10 June 1992


8:30 AM   Coffee and Danish

9:00 AM   Session IV.  Image Capture, Text Capture, Overview of Text and
          Image Storage Formats.

          Moderator:  William L. Hooton, Vice President of Operations,

          A) Principal Methods for Image Capture of Text:
             Direct scanning
             Use of microform

          Anne R. Kenney, Assistant Director, Department of Preservation
             and Conservation, Cornell University
          Pamela Q.J. Andre, Associate Director, Automation, and
          Judith A. Zidar, Coordinator, National Agricultural Text
             Digitizing Program (NATDP), National Agricultural Library
          Donald J. Waters, Head, Systems Office, Yale University Library

          B) Special Problems:
             Bound volumes
             Reproducing printed halftones

          Carl Fleischhauer, Coordinator, American Memory, Library of
          George Thoma, Chief, Communications Engineering Branch,
             National Library of Medicine (NLM)

11:00 AM  Break

11:00 AM  Session IV.  Image Capture, Text Capture, Overview of Text and
          Image Storage Formats (Cont'd.).

          C) Image Standards and Implications for Preservation

          Jean Baronas, Senior Manager, Department of Standards and
             Technology, Association for Information and Image Management
          Patricia Battin, President, The Commission on Preservation and
             Access (CPA)

          D) Text Conversion:
             OCR vs. rekeying
             Standards of accuracy and use of imperfect texts
             Service bureaus

          Stuart Weibel, Senior Research Specialist, Online Computer
             Library Center, Inc. (OCLC)
          Michael Lesk, Executive Director, Computer Science Research,
          Ricky Erway, Associate Coordinator, American Memory, Library of
          Pamela Q.J. Andre, Associate Director, Automation, and
          Judith A. Zidar, Coordinator, National Agricultural Text
             Digitizing Program (NATDP), National Agricultural Library

1:30 PM   Lunch

1:30 PM   Session V.  Approaches to Preparing Electronic Texts.

          Discussion of approaches to structuring text for the computer;
          pros and cons of text coding, description of methods in
          practice, and comparison of text-coding methods.

          Moderator:  Susan Hockey, Director, Center for Electronic Texts
             in the Humanities (CETH), Rutgers and Princeton Universities
          David Woodley Packard
          C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, Editor, Text Encoding Initiative (TEI),
             University of Illinois-Chicago
          Eric M. Calaluca, Vice President, Chadwyck-Healey, Inc.

4:00 PM   Break

4:00 PM   Session VI.  Copyright Issues.

          Marybeth Peters, Policy Planning Adviser to the Register of
             Copyrights, Library of Congress

5:00 PM   Session VII. Conclusion.

          General discussion.
          What topics were omitted or given short shrift that anyone
             would like to talk about now?
          Is there a "group" here?  What should the group do next, if
             anything?  What should the Library of Congress do next, if
          Moderator:  Prosser Gifford, Director for Scholarly Programs,
             Library of Congress

6:00 PM   Adjourn

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