National Needs Assessment

Analysis of Data
from the
Institute of Museum Services'
National Needs Assessment

August 1992
Reed Public Policy, Inc.
Washington, DC

This document contains data and results from IMS's 1992 National Needs Assessment survey of museums. The results include the best and most recent estimates for number of U.S. museums, and numerous other statistics on museums' demographics, activities, funding, and desired assistance. This on-line edition omits graphs, section numbers, table numbers, formatting and other elements of the original. The complete hard-copy edition is available as an appendix to Rebecca W. Danvers, National Needs Assessment of Small, Emerging, Minority and Rural Museums in the Unites States, A Report to Congress (Washington: Institute of Museum Services, 1992).

Table of Contents

Please direct correspondence to the author:

David S. Reed
Reed Public Policy, Inc.
Number 210
3509 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20008
fax (202) 986-2495 Internet

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