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26 October 2007

Contact: Lawrence Reger or Mary Rogers


Conservation experts say prompt, gentle attention is best

WASHINGTON, D.C.--Cherished family heirlooms throughout fire-ravaged areas of Southern California are covered with soot and ash. Removing soot and ash requires prompt and gentle attention to avoid further damage.

The Heritage Emergency National Task Force, an initiative of Heritage Preservation and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, offers the following tips for cleaning up. The advice is based on the experience of respected conservation professionals who care for our nation’s treasures in museums and libraries.

  • Safety first! Avoid skin or lung irritation. Wear plastic or rubber gloves, an N95 mask, and goggles during cleanup.
  • Get started promptly. The longer soot or ash sits on a surface, the more damage it does.
  • Handle objects as little as possible. If you must move them, use a tray or hanger, and grasp them in places that are normally hidden from view.
  • If soot and ash are wet – say, from fire hose water or a burst pipe – don’t do anything to remove them; attempting to remove them from wet surfaces will cause further damage. Get advice from a professional.
  • Likewise, do not rinse sooty or ash-covered treasures.
  • Resist the urge to wipe soot and ash-covered surfaces with a clean cloth; wiping will embed the soot and ash in the object and make it much more difficult to recover.
  • Instead, remove soot and ash with a vacuum on the lowest setting. Do not let the nozzle touch the object and do not use a brush attachment; let the wand float over the surface.
  • When cleaning textiles, do not unfold them – this will only disperse the soot.
  • After vacuuming, you may need to clean the object with a soot sponge, which can be purchased at major hardware stores. Unlike other sponges, use this one dry. Lay the sponge on the surface, press gently, and lift without rubbing. Cut off sections as they become dirty.
  • Call in a pro. If a valuable family treasure is badly damaged, a professional conservator may be able to help. The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works has a free referral service (202-452-9545 or, and the Regional Alliance for Preservation (800-843-8482 or has information on preservation services.

These general guidelines are adapted from the Field Guide to Emergency Response produced by the national nonprofit Heritage Preservation.

A six-minute Field Guide to Emergency Response video clip on salvaging objects and family treasures from soot and ash damage and additional information is available at

Heritage Preservation is providing the video free of charge to news outlets. Stations may use it in its entirety or any portion of the audio and video. This press release and the video files are available at Please credit Heritage Preservation when using the video.


The Heritage Emergency National Task Force is a partnership of 40 government agencies and national service organizations formed in 1995. An initiative of Heritage Preservation and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Task Force has helped to protect cultural heritage from the damaging effects of natural disasters and other emergencies. Find valuable disaster resources at the Task Force Web site,

For more than 30 years, Heritage Preservation has been the national, nonprofit advocate for the proper care of the objects and sites that embody our history and enrich our lives. Heritage Preservation partners with institutions, organizations, and concerned individuals who care about preserving our past.

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