Hurricanes and Tropical Storms 2008
The deadline to apply for Hurricane Ike disaster aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Small Business Administration was November 11, 2008.
10/10/2008: The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) is offering a total of $200,000 for the Texas Responds grant program, to assist Texas public, school and academic libraries that sustained damage during Hurricane Ike. The grants will also aid in restoring their library services and programs to patrons. Visit the TSLAC Web site for more information or to apply for a grant.
9/23/2008: The Society of American Archivists and the Society of Southwest Archivists offer disaster recovery support to archival collections, regardless of region or repository type, through the National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives.
9/17/2008: The Texas Library Association is collecting donations to its Texas Library Disaster Relief Fund, a part of the Library Endowment & Advancement Fund (LEAF). Contribute online to help libraries in coastal Texas.
9/16/2008: Americans for the Arts is collecting donations to its Emergency Relief Fund. Funds will be used to provide assistance to local arts service organizations located in or serving areas most affected by hurricane damage. Visit the Emergency Relief Fund section of the website to donate now.
9/12/2008: The Institute of Museum and Library Services has extended grant deadlines for applicants in Presidentially-declared disaster counties. Read the press release.