Bay Area Mutual Aid Network

Information for New Members

Thank you for expressing interest in joining the Bay Area Mutual Aid Network (BAMAN).

The Bay Area Mutual Aid Network is an organization dedicated to encouraging and supporting disaster preparedness and response among its member libraries, which currently number more than 30. The goals of BAMAN are:

  1. to facilitate a network of people willing to help each other in times of local disaster with advice, support or actual recovery assistance
  2. to ensure the continuing viability of the Network; and
  3. to establish and stock at least one more disaster response supplies container.

As a BAMAN member you will receive a packet of information which includes a Contact List of all of the BAMAN members; directions to the Mills College and San Mateo containers and how to open them; a list of the contents of the containers. In the future, you will receive notices of other scheduled activities such as disaster plan preparation and update workshops.

Your institution will have access to all of the emergency supplies in the cargo containers located at Mills College and the San Mateo County Library Administration building in San Mateo on an as-needs basis. (Supplies withdrawn must be replaced). A third container belonging to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in San Bruno may also be made available to BAMAN participants.

To join the Bay Area Mutual Aid Network, contact Bonnie Jo Cullison at the address below. The cost of membership for one library is $350; for libraries with more than one location, the cost is $450.

Membership in BAMAN is indefinite as long as you abide by the terms of the Agreement or until you submit a written notice of withdrawal.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Mary Morganti ( or Bonnie Jo Cullison (

Mary Morganti
Member, California Preservation Program
Director of Library & Archives
California Historical Society
415-357-1848 ext. 242
Bonnie Jo Cullison
Library Conservator
Graduate Theological Union

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