Abbey Publications 2003 Catalog

Abbey Publications no longer exists. The information on this page is presented as for its historical value.

Abbey Newsletter
Preservation of Library and Archival Materials
Published six times per year... June-April
Individual Subscription, Vol. 27 $47.00
Institutional Subscription, Vol. 27 $88.50
All foreign subscriptions except Canada and Mexico, add $12.00 per year for S&H

The Mold Reporter
Sick buildings, health effects, litigation, cleanup, control and prevention: News, facts and opinions, information sources
Published six times per year... January-December
Individual Subscription $36.50
Institutional Subscription $50.00
All foreign subscriptions except Canada and Mexico, add $12.00 per year for S&H

The Abbey pH Pen®
Information and directions for use come with each pen ordered
Number of Pens Price Per Pen* Smaller pens are available to associations and organizations for use during classes and presentations.
$2.80( (1-100); $2.50 (101+)
1-49 $6.00
50-99 $5.50
100-499 $5.00
500-1500 $4.00
1501-4992 $3.00

Additional Services

Mailing List of Subscribers to the Abbey Newsletter
Sold on self adhesive labels for one-time use—$100.00 per 1000 names and addresses. Special sort options available. U.S. and overseas labels available. Please call for information.

Job Postings
Announcements are billed at the rate of $50.00 for the heading and first ten lines (55 characters per line) plus $2.00 per line thereafter. No display layouts are available. All announcements are set in our standard format.

Classification System for Preservation Files for Libraries
This classification scheme is detailed (21 pages, with a 12-page index), comprehensive (over 450 categories), frequently revised, and bound in a soft cover. It is used for the Abbey Publications library and files and for certain items in the newsletters. For a free copy, contact the editor at 512/929-3992.

Order Form
Item Ordered Quantity Price per Item
Contact Company/Institution
City, State, Zip P.O. #
Phone Fax E-mail

Payment Options
Payment Enclosed ____ Please Bill Me ____
Please charge My Credit Card ____
MC ____ Visa ____ Card Number Exp. Date
Name as it appears on credit card

Please mail or fax order form to: Abbey Publications, Inc.
7105 Geneva Drive
Austin, TX 78723

Phone: 512-929-3992 — Fax: 512-929-3995 — E-mail:

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