Preservation/Conservation Presentations and Training Tools

This document contains information on presentations concerning conservation of cultural property, and other materials intended for training/educational purposes

See also the following areas in CoOL:

Resources by Individuals and Organization
Resources at Other Sites

Resources by Individuals and Organization

Slides from some talks given at playback 1996
Connie Brooks
Ethical Considerations in Videotape Preservation
Paul Messier
Criteria for Assessing Digital Video as a Preservation Medium

Calfornia Preservation Program, formerly California Preservation Clearinghouse
Anonymous/Various Authors
Facilities and Library Preservation: Common Sense Approaches to Protecting Collections from Disaster.

Also available as a Power Point Presentation

"... provides an overview of the relationship between facilities issues and collection preservation. Emphasizing the cost-effectiveness fire-suppression systems and disaster preparedness, this presentation would be suitable for use in a talk aimed at administrators, risk managers and planners who do not have a background in preservation."

Maria Grandinette
Silverfish Abatement and Integrated Pest Management

Also available as a Power Point Presentation

".. describes a specific silverfish infestation, but its content is applicable to any number of buildings housing cultural materials, such as libraries, archives, or historical societies."

Walter Henry
California Disaster Resources

Also available as a Power Point Presentation

".. provides an overview of disaster preparedness and response resources available for California libraries and archives."

Digital preservation: A conservator's perspective

Also available as a Power Point Presentation

"... presents an introduction to both the promise and the fundamentally problematic nature of preservation in a digital milieu. It explores both the use digital technology as a reformatting tool for the preservation of print and non-print materials as well as the challenges of preserving any digital material, whether reformatted or 'born digital'."

Loyola Marymount University
Keeping Ideas Alive

Also available as a Power Point Presentation

".. a general book handling presentation geared to student workers, specifically those involved with shelving and circulation of materials"

Søren Carlsen
Effects of Freeze Drying on Paper, presented at given at IADA Conference 1999. Powerpoint presentation and full text (PDF) available.

Luis Facelli
Disco Video Digital (Digital Video Discs), 2004. PowerPoint presentation, in Spanish

Resources at Other Sites

Missouri State Archives
Preservation Concerns in Designing a Record Center

Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)
Preservation 101


University of California, San Diego
Preservation of Library Collections: A Staff Education Program, by Julie Page

Tim Vitale
Digital Documentation: Getting the Most from a TIFF Image

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