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Call for a new North American Textile Conservation Conference (NATCC) Board Member

Dear Colleagues,


NATCC is a not-for-profit (501(c)3) organization that was formed to improve the quality of textile conservation by sponsoring biennial conferences and publishing the papers from those conferences. At our sixth biennial meeting in Washington, DC, a number of attendees expressed an interest in helping NATCC with its work. We have an open position and are inviting applications from our North American colleagues to join the 12-member board of NATCC.


As specified in the NATCC Bylaws, new Directors are elected by a majority of the Board to serve a 4-year term. Board members, who must be practicing textile conservators, curators, or scientists, are responsible for the organization of the biennial conferences. The NATCC Board meets twice per year, once during the AIC Annual Meeting and once at another time and place agreed upon by the Board. During a biennial conference year, the second meeting generally occurs on the day after the conference. NATCC does not reimburse Board members for travel expenses associated with attending Board meetings.


We are especially interested in bringing our meetings to a wider geographic area, which requires regional board members to serve as the nucleus for the local committee. With that in mind, we are especially interested in hearing from our colleagues in Canada, the southwest and west coast of the United States, and Mexico. Among the qualifications that the NATCC Board is seeking are ? fluency in Spanish and/or French, South/Central American affiliations, institutional support, previous Board experience, and a proven ability to work collaboratively.


Those interested in serving on this congenial Board should write a letter describing their experience, qualification and statement of interest to: Joy Gardiner, NATCC Secretary,  jgardiner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Letters are due by April, 15, 2009.  The Board will announce its decision by May 1, 2009.


For more information, feel free to contact any current Board member: Emilia Cortes, emilia.cortes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Shannon Elliott; shannon.elliott@xxxxxxxxxxx; Joy Gardiner, jgardiner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Christine Giuntini, Christine.Giuntini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Susan Heald, healds@xxxxxx; Claudia Iannuccilli, cpian@xxxxxxx; Sharon E. Little, selittle@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Hector Manuel Meneses Lozano, restauracion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Esther Méthé, emethe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;  Lorena Román, jbgclove@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Beth Szuhay, bszuhay@famsf.org .


Please share this message with textile conservation colleagues who may not subscribe to this list.  Thank you. 



Christine Giuntini, Conservator

Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

1000 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10028
