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images of objects with damage after desaster

Dear Colleagues,
for teaching purposes I am desperately looking for images of objects (any type) *damaged* by desaster. Be it by fire, water,  mudd  or heavy mold - or even oil or fuel/petrol. Best before cleaning: the condition the objects had right after rescue.
We would like to print the images A4 size and laminate them. Therefore the images should be of high resolution.
If anybody has such images and is willing to share, I would be very happy. Please note: we will *not* use the images for publication, just for teaching.
Please only send one image at a time ;-) .

I also welcome images of active rescue work, e.g. rescuing a rolled tapestry, human chain passing on objects etc.

I have searched the internet, but have not found much. If you can refer me to good links, this would be welcome as well.


16 Jahre Atelier für Textilkonservierung 10 Jahre Ideen für Museen

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