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Issue 3 of e_conservation magazine is online

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that issue no. 3 of e_conservation magazine is online and available for download from http://www.e-conservationline.com. Past issues are also available from the archive, with a new download option for individual articles as well.

No. 3, published on 24th February 2008
ISSN: 1646-9283


*News - New Website
Cultural Heritage Conservation Events

*Conference Review
I Heritage Conference, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
14-15 February 2008, Lisbon, Portugal

*Upcoming Events
February - April 2008

John Asmus, from Lasers to Art Conservation

*Conservation of Archeological Objects
Preservation and Conservation of Mummies and Sarcophagi
by Gian Luigi Nicola, Marco Nicola and Alessandro Nicola

*Material Studies and Characterisation
Materials Used in the Chinese Textiles from the National Museum of Art of Romania
by Ileana Cretu and Mihai I. A. Lupu

*Case Study
Saving the Materiality and Spirituality of a Living Church Mural Ensemble, Surpatele Monastery, 1706
by Anca Nicolaescu and Simona Patrascu

Conservation Education in Portugal

Conservation Organisations in Europe
ARP - Professional Association of Conservators-Restorers of Portugal
by Andre Varela Remigio

Modern Heritage Documentation for Conservation and Cultural Development
in the Mediterranean Region, an Interdisciplinary Approach and Postcolonial Perspective
by Annarita Lamberti

We hope you will enjoy the reading!

e_conservationline team