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Re: Closure of Textile Conservation Centre, University of Southampton 2009

Hi Mary, 
Both versions of the petitions in your link say you must be a UK citizen or resident in order to sign.

Dee Stubbs-Lee
The New Brunswick Museum
277 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2K 1E5
telephone: (506) 643-2341
fax: (506) 643-2360
e-mail: Dee.Stubbs-Lee@xxxxxxxxxx

-----Original Message-----
From: Textile Conservators [mailto:TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Ballard, Mary
Sent: November 13, 2007 4:20 PM
To: TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Closure of Textile Conservation Centre, University of Southampton 2009

At NATCC textiles conference last week, two of the senior lecturers at the Textile Conservation Centre, University of Southampton described the upcoming closure by the University of the graduate school in textile conservation in 2009. The last class of textile conservators entered this year; there will be an ‘intake’ of students for the M.A. in museum studies next year. The University of Southampton’s decision is irreversible; it is part of an education policy to reduce the number of smaller departments.


Mary Brooks and Frances Lennard suggested that, if you wish to help, to write on letterhead stationery in favor of the TCC and speak favorably of its contributions and its past work to the vice chancellor of the university:

Professor Bill Wakeham

The Vice Chancellor of the

University of Southampton

bab@xxxxxxxxxxx .


Please send them a copy at the Textile Conservation Centre, Email: tccuk@xxxxxxxxxxx . The website for the TCC is www.textileconservationcentre.soton.ac.uk .


There is also a petition that you can sign, which can be found on the No 10 Downing St website:

http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/TCCClosure/ <http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/TCCClosure/  which colleagues outside the UK can sign.



Mary W. Ballard

Senior Textiles Conservator,

Museum Conservation Institute, Smithsonian Institution

4210 Silver Hill Road, Suitland MD 20746 U.S.A.

tel: 301-238-1210 fax: 301-238-3709

email ballardm@xxxxxx


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