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Re: fire regulations

I don't even want to know.
Ann Frisina
-----Original Message-----
From: Textile Conservators [mailto:TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Deborah Bede
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 1:52 PM
To: TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: fire regulations

I’m working with the Vermont Painted Theater Curtain  project, and our current project is a distemper on muslin curtain from the early 1930’s.  The town intends to hang the curtain in the Town Hall, where it has been stored for many years, after treatment.  This happens by coincidence to be in my town, in New Hampshire.  We have a particularly difficult Fire Marshall who is insisting that the curtain be fireproofed.  I know nothing about fire regulations, and we need some supporting documentation to help us refute his ruling.  Can anyone tell me if there are any regulations or other rules that exempt historic textiles from regular fire codes?  I’m assuming fire regulations are on a  state level, but information about any state would be helpful.  And anyone’s experience with this situation would be appreciated.




Deborah Bede

Stillwater Textile Conservation Studio, LLC

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