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Interleaving tissue

Dear all,
I am glad Karin has pointed out the practical aspects of interleaving tissue that should be considered in the storage of textile collections. It is good to regularly go back to basics .
It seesm to me that the use of tissue seems to have become 'traditional' with the original function having been lost in the mists or time, or, should I say, in countless layers of creased, reused tissue.

The most important question here is, in my opinion, what are you trying to achieve in the first place with the use of interleaving tissue in a given collection or part thereof ?
Exploring this question rationally could reveal other possibilities and solutions. For example, the use of interleaving tissue may turn out to be unnecessary in many cases. That certainly would free time and resources for more urgent matters.

Sounds like a nice student research project...

Best wishes,

Jennifer Barnett

Regina Textilia
not only historic textiles conservation, research,
training and consultancy but also translations (Dutch-English)

Route de Dancé
FR - 42260 Bully

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