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Tapestry frames

I am putting together a proposal for funding for the conservation of a large 17th century embroidered table carpet (1.6 x 2.9 m).  Because the carpet requires extensive stabilization, I am considering the purchase/construction of a tapestry frame to support it during what will probably be a very lengthy treatment period.  
The key information I need immediately is a good estimate on the cost of such a frame.  From a fairly cursory search on this subject, it appears that this will probably be a custom job.  Any recent figures that would give me a ball park idea on cost would be helpful.
Assuming we proceed with this idea and the funding comes through, I am also interested in any information on and experience with specific designs of frames.
Irene Karsten
Museum Conservator
Departments of Human Ecology/Museum and Collections Services
302 Human Ecology Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB  T6G 2N1
(780) 492-7678; (780) 492-0776

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