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Re: pattern maker/tailor

Might someone here: http://www.campbellcenter.org/index.shtml
be able to help you?
Kim Nettles
Force Majeure Quilt Repair and Restoration
Force Majeure Farm The Quilter's Journal
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 8:30 AM
Subject: pattern maker/tailor

My museum is looking to make a reproduction of a period costume which is being requested for loan and in fragile condition. This is something that we haven?t done before and I am not sure how to proceed in finding someone who could take on this task. The artifact is a Klu Klux Klan robe from the 1870?s. All fabrics used in the construction of the robe and the mask are plain weave, cellulosic materials, and each are of fairly simple construction though there are decorative embellishments - cut-work, appliqués, and red and rosettes. Does anyone know of someone in the Midwest region who has experience in pattern making and with making reproductions, or have an idea of how I might go about finding such an individual?



Holly Lundberg
(312) 799-2069 direct, (312) 799-2369 fax

Chicago History Museum
1601 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60614-6038


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