TEXCONS - Subject Thread Index for 10 2006

Last updated: Mon Oct 30 15:05:56 GMT 2006
15 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

  • Call for Papers - Amendment, nicole rode
  • Call for Papers, nicole rode
  • Stephen King has been cornered, joan kiplinger
  • remove from list, Jan Williams
  • I think Stephen King is attacking this clothes closet, joan kiplinger
  • SALE OF Textile Specialty Group POST PRINTS, Ballard, Mary
  • [Fwd: removal of bleeding dyes], Karin von Lerber, Prevart GmbH
  • Removal of bleeding dyes, Karin von Lerber, Prevart GmbH
  • Upholstery+ CALL FOR PAPERS KRAKOW May 13-18, 2007, Ballard, Mary
  • Fall Textile Symposium, Esther Methe

  • [Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

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