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Re: Non ArchivalTubes

I have bought tubes (6" inside diameter, 1/4" wall thickness, 12' long ) in quantity from Middlesex Paper Tubes in Lowell MA.  I need to get more, so seeing this query, went to check on them.  (Via internet...)  This site (Thomasnet.com) has suppliers for all sorts of materials, sorted by area:   http://www.thomasnet.com/nsearch.html?cov=EP&which=prod&what=Packaging+Tubes%3A+Paper&navsec=search&heading=55666408  (the citation is for Eastern PA., but I searched first on paper tubes).
I don't know if any of the co's listed will sell you just one or a few...
Good luck,

From: Textile Conservators [mailto:TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Joanne Hackett
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 10:50 AM
To: TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Non ArchivalTubes

In the past I have seen 'SONO' tubes used to good effect for this purpose.  These tubes are sold by concrete supply places and by larger builder's supply houses.  They are the very stiff, brown cardboard tubes with a somewhat waxy finish used to form concrete pillars in foundation work.  They work best if covered with something like Marvelseal, or even aluminum foil.  They are available in a huge range of diameters, up to 3-4 feet across, and can be cut to length as needed on a circular saw.  (Often the builder's yard will do this for you.)  I seem to remember from ordering them in California, that they are available as standard length up to 12 feet long, but that longer lengths have to be special ordered.
Joanne Hackett
Associate Textile Conservator
Indianapolis Museum of Art

>>> nancyklove@xxxxxxxxx 9/22/2006 10:17 AM >>>
Does anyone have a source for non archival rolling

I thought one of the suppliers offered them but can't
find the source.

Thanks,  Nancy

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