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Re: Available Textile Post prints


  I am a Museology student here in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil and i am very
  interested in textile conservation.
  I would like very much to buy the publications you have mentioned
  in your message (i mean, one exemplar of each publication:
  - 9 available exemplars of the Journal of the American Institute for
    Conservation, from 34.1 to 40.1;
  - 14 AIC Abstracts from 1990 to 2004
  - 9 available exemplars of the Textile Specialty Group Post prints,
    from  1991 to 1992 and 1995 to 2001).
  Could i pay by VISA card? How
  much it will cost to send me them? Could i have any discount? Should i
  send this message, with my questions, to someone else?

Thank you very much for any information.

  Selma Junqueira
  (55) (21) 3878-9229

Quoting "Frisina, Ann" <Ann.Frisina@xxxxxxxx>:

The following textile post prints are available for sale at a bargain price. I urge everyone to make their purchases early because once their gone their gone.

Ann Frisina
Textile Conservator
Minnesota Historical Society
345 Kellogg Blvd. W.
St. Paul, MN. 55102

651 297-5490

AIC Overstock Publications Sale

September 1 - October 31
Publications are available only as long as supplies last!
(Based on the Publications Storage Guidelines)

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
Available for $3 per issue or 5 issues for $10, plus shipping & handling

        Issues on sale:
                34:1                    39:1
                36:1                    39:2
                38:1                    39:3
                38:2                    40:1

AIC Abstracts
Available for only the cost of shipping & handling

Years available:
1990 - 2004

Textile Specialty Group Post prints Available for $3 per issue or 5 issues for $10, plus shipping & handling

        1991 - 1992 and 1995 - 2001
        Note that 1993 and 1994 are not available.

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