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Natural Resins on band caver the mummy

Hi everyone
    I have the pleaure e-mailing yours, and I have big question, I am Ph.D student my work about ( Enzymes application for textiles ) , I have samples from linen textiles that used as a band cover and enfold the mummy from ancient egypt , i will make analysis for natural resins that are on textiles enfold to choose suitable ezyme for cleaning .
   are anyone have idea or information about :-
1) what kind of analysis suitable for this .
2) what kind of resins that expected be on my samples.
   accept my deep thanks
         Harby Ezzeldeen
   M.A in textiles conservation.
   Conservation depatment - Cairo univeristy .
  Ph.D holder in biochemical department
  National techical Univeristy of athens.

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