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NATCC 2005 Conference Information

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The fifth biennial NATCC meeting


Recovering the past……..

The Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Textiles


México City, Mexico   November, 2005



The fifth biennial NATCC meeting will focus on the conservation, research, diffusion and exhibition of archaeological and ethnographic textiles. The conference is dedicated to Irmgard W. Johnson, who has worked for over fifty years to research, rescue, and preserve the textile designs of several ethnic groups of Mexico.


November 9 - 11       Keynote speaker, conference papers, posters

                                                Registration (until September 1)                                                                   $ 275***

                                               Colegio de las Vizcainas , National Museum of Anthropology ,

                                               Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía.



November 7-9 & 12           Optional tours (cultural trips), including Teotihuacan

                                                                                                                                                             $ 30 - 40 per tour



November   8 & 9               Optional workshops- Cleaning systems, Storage Methods and Materials,

                                               Dyeing with Natural dyes, Backstrap Loom Weaving.

                                                                                                                                              $ 110 – $140 per workshop


***Registration includes one copy of conference Preprints; transportation between the conference hotel and conference sites; attendance at keynote lecture; paper and poster presentations on Wednesday evening, Thursday and Friday; receptions on Wednesday and Friday; lunch and breaks on Thursday and Friday.

Workshops and cultural trips are not included in the registration fee.


Registration via the website: www.natcc.inah.gob.mx will open in mild- July


Conference hotel:  Calinda Geneve, Londres Strett 130, in the Zona Rosa.

Participants are responsible for making and paying their own hotel reservations. A block of room has been requested at the special rate of $ 80, plus tax, per night, per room, including breakfast.  Rate valid until Oct.  25

For hotel reservations: Denisse Pérez or Amparo Sanguino reservgeneve1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or Martha Andrés: ventascorp1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  telephone: (52) 55 50 80 08 00  fax (52) 55 50 80 08 33



Conference speakers   Note: Papers will be presented in English or Spanish, with simultaneous translation provided. The Preprints will be published in both languages, with an abstracts in English, Spanish, and French.



Armando Alcántara Berumen. México

“Flips you must to do before you are born”. The weave in curve in the Quechquemitl of Northern Mountain on Puebla

Lena Bjerregaard. Germany

The Leymebamba Textiles

Jeanne Brako & DY Begay. USA

Using Collections to Bridge Communities

Mary Brooks & Sonia O’Connor. U.K.

Looking into the Past: the Potential of X-Radiography as an Investigative Technique for Archaeological & Ethnological Textiles

Soledad Hoces de la Guardia Chellew & Ana-María Rojas Zepeda. Chile

An Atacamanian Pre-Columbian Trousseau: Interpretation of the Tactile and visual dialogue in its Textiles

Cándida Fernández de Calderón. México

Mayan Textiles Centre of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México. A Commitment with the conservation & Diffusion of Textile Art

Luciana da Silveira, Arabel Fernández López & Elizabete Mendonça. Brazil

Rediscovering Pre-Colombian Peruvian Textiles: Their Conservation & Documentation at the National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Virginia Davis. USA

Irmgard Weitlaner Johnson. Outstanding Researcher of Textiles

Fenella France. Argentina and New Zeland

Textile Treasures of Llullaillaco

Judith Gómez. México

To Repair or To Conserve the Ethnographic, The Ethnographic Displays at the Anthropology Museum in Mexico.

Mercedes Gómez-Urquiza de la Macorra. México

Mexico’s Protection Project of Movable Goods in Religious Buildings A Textile Study

Christine Giuntini & Maya Naunton. USA

Examination & Treatment of a Basketry & Textile Tent Divider from Sudan

Susan Heald, Lauren Chang, Jenifer Bosworth & Jessica Johnson. USA

Identification & Quantification of Organic Pesticides on Ethnographic Textiles During Treatment Phases

Stephanie Hornbeck. USA

The Treatment & Preparation for Exhibition of a Composite Material Ceremonial Warrior’s Costume from the Loma People in Liberia

Tatiana Kousoulou. Greece

First Aid & Preventive Conservation for Ecclesiastical Vestments in the Greek Orthodox Monasteries

Patricia Lissa, Isabel Iriarte, Silvana Di Lorenzo & Pía Villaronga. Argentina

The Conservation Treatment of Bolivian “Traje of Danzante of Ethnographic Museum of Buenos Aires

Anne Mackay. Canadá

A Study of Moosehair Embroidered Souvenir Objects

Kjerstin Mackie. Canadá

Long Ago Person Found. An Ancient Robe Tells a New Story

Priya Ravish Mehra. India

An Inivisible Craft

Lana Panko, Alejandro Ruiz & Zoila Ramires Sales. Canadá Negotiating Meaning & Cultural Memory with Maya Textiles

Lorena Román, Abner Gutíerrez y et al. México

The Conservation of the Feathers Mosaic: “Cristo Salvador del Mundo”, of the National Museum of the Viceroyalty, Tepotzotlán INAH, Mexico

Soraya Serra. Puerto Rico

Recovering Indigenous Basketry from the Caribbean: An Analysis of Impressions on Griddles (burenes) from Vieques, Puerto Rico

Beth Szuhay. USA

Darn that Spot! Investigations into Cleaning Raffia Cut Kuba Cloth





Priscilla Alvarado. Chile,  Rescue a Textile Collection

Lisa Anderson, Lauren Chang, Susan Heald. USA.  Rehousing Archaeological Textiles during the National Museum of the American Indian Collections Move

Susanna Conti. Italy.  S. Marina’s veil

Ann French & Frances Pritchard. U.K.  Easy Access? Approaches to the Care & Storage of Archaeological Textiles at the Whitworth Art Gallery

Beatríz Garcés Gómez. México.  The Izote” An Antique Fiber

Judith Gómez. México.  Maya’s World of Brocades & Embroideries, Preserving a Collection & a Tradition

Susan Heald, Marilyn Jones, Anne Murray & Lauren Chang. USA.  Investigating the Presence of Dog Hair in Coast Salish Blankets

HarbyEzz eldeen Hasan, Yassin Zidan & Kh El- Nagar  Egypt.  Aiging Behavioof Silk Dyed Fabric with Safflower Dye.

Monica Ruiz Hernández. México.  Palimpsests & Pentimentos in the Canvas Codices in the Codices Collection of the National Library of Anthropology & History

Cinzia Oliva. Italy.  Mummy of Merit: A Conservation Project on the Funeral Outfit (Equipment)

Nicola Smith. Australia.  Evaluation & Preliminary Conservation of a Dong Son Burial Shroud from the Red River Delta in Vietnam

Pamela Scheinman. USA.  Tracking Clues to the Past in Maguey-Fiber Sandals

Jenna Tedrick Kuttruff. USA.  Analysis & Conservation of Prehistoric Footwear & Bags from Midwestern North America

Yuri de la Rosa. México

Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza, Coahuila. Looting of sites.





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