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Re: Archives of Tex Cons

Hi everyone The archives of the TexCons can be found two ways. 1) at
Conservation on Line
http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/texcons/ and also 2)
by following the directions below


In order to use the web archives, you will be required to register a
for your email account by sending a piece of email to
with the following command (changing bigbird with a password that's 6-8
characters long):
        PW ADD bigbird
        // eoj

Once you have registered your password, then proceed to the archives --
see url at bottom of note.  (You will be asked if you will allow us to
a cookie on your computer so you don't have to keep typing in the
password every time you go to the site.)

Reviewing the archives allows you to see the archives chronologically
from  July 2002 to the most current month & posting.

When you select a month, say January 2005 - which is short, you will be
able to sort by Author, Date, Topic, or Chronologically.

To open a particular note, merely click on the bullet located next to the
subject.  If your connection seems slow, please be patient and remember
that our archives are burgeoning with your knowledge.

Under options, you will also be able to Search the archives by filling out
a form and submitting it.  I recommend limiting your searches to a
yearly basis (and running the search multiple times if necessary)
because the TEXCONS archives are quite hefty.


Please report any problems (directly) to Mignon at erixonm@xxxxxxxxxxx

With all best wishes, Mary Ballard & Gail Niinimaa

Mary W. Ballard
Senior Textiles Conservator
Smithsonian Center for Materials Research & Education
4210 Silver Hill Road, Suitland MD 20746 USA
tel: 301-238-1210 fax: 301-238-3709
email: ballardm@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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