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Re: Historic Carpets

Dear Rebecca,

I came up with a solution to a rug and pad dilemma a year or so ago.  The
rug was very thin, medium sized, delicate, and was going to be walked on
with care.   Considering that your rugs will be walked on, and heavily, I
wonder if this or something like it would work for you.  Like Deborah, I
used felt beneath the rug, source of which I would be happy to look up. I
collected many samples by doing a google search, among other things, and
came up with something that is very dense and not thick.   I sewed this to
the rug, with careful long stitches beneath that could adjust to changes in
temp/humidity.   I also placed a cotton/linen (from Testfabrics) lining
beneath this, sewn at same time.  then a grip pad can be used if desired,
beneath the entire thing. it does not touch the rug but provides some
grip.  (I contemplated sewing the thin sticky pad to the whole package, but
did not.)  The sewing was hard because of all the factors
involved--dimensionality of all the different fibers; the fact that it will
be walked on; but for this situation, it seemed the most appropriate.   Ronnee

04 -0500, you wrote:
Hello, this is a follow up question to an inquiry posted March of 2003

I currently work in a historic house setting which sees a great amount of
visitor traffic.  The buildings themselves are not necessarily considered
museums because they are lived in by occupants as well as being open for
tours and functions, however we do have a collection of 6000+ artifacts
installed in various houses as well as our warehouse.
My current concern (one of many) deals with several of our asian/persian
carpets which are placed throughout the houses.  Because they are in high
traffic areas, many years ago someone came up with the solution of securing
them to the floor with heavy duty double sided tape to prevent possible
tripping hazards along the edges. The problem with this is obvious and until
recently the general attitude has been "it works so leave it" However, I
would like to change this method to a more suitable one.....

Part 2

I believe that we have come up with a possible solution to our tripping and
slipping problem with the carpets.  We are considering using 2" sticky
Velcro to adhere it to the hardwood floor and the non stick Velcro to be
sewn to the carpet.  What I propose is to have a band of fabric (unbleached
cotton ?) sewn to the top and bottom edges of the carpet and then have the
Velcro sewn to that, I'm hoping that this would minimize any pull on the
carpet if the piece has to be readjusted.  An under pad will also be placed
to reduce movement.
Realizing that this is not an ideal solution, can any one offer any
suggestions or comments on this option. Unfortunately the option to simply
leave them be is not there.
Thanks very much

Rebecca Bunch
Official Residences
National Capital Commission

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