Dear TSG members:
As submissions arrive for the Textile Specialty Group meeting at the 2005 annual AIC meeting in Minneapolis, I am noticing an underlying common theme. Many of the ideas involve communication with non-conservation specialists- either other museum staff or the general public. Because our work does not exist in a vacuum, I think the idea of how we communicate and work with those outside conservation is worth further exploration. So, to get your paper presenting ideas flowing, I offer the following questions: Has your institution found a good way to incorporate conservation information into the general collections information? Have you participated in special exhibitions with a conservation bent? If you deal with smaller institutions or private clients, how do you communicate conservation information in a useful and understandable way? Have you come up with workable solutions for environmental monitoring and control for institutions with small budgets and/or limited staff? Have you found effective ways to convey the intricacies of textile care and conservation to others? What do you perceive are the needs of non-conservators in caring for their textiles, and have you produced any presentations/handouts/etc that address these needs?
The deadline for submissions is NOON on NOVEMBER 15, 2005. Please send your ideas and abstracts to: Nancy Pollak, Art Care Associates, Post Office Box 4141, Frederick, MD 21705. 301-845-1010, or nrpollak@xxxxxxx
Thank you,
Nancy Pollak