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Re: University study on adhesives used in quilt making

Let me add that we presented a paper regarding this research to the Textile
Specialty Group at the AIC annual meeting in June.  Our paper with the
complete results and more detailed description of our methodology and
findings will be published in the 2003 AIC Textile Specialty Group
Postprints.  The report found at the link given below is merely a summary
that we provided to the International Quilt Association who provided
funding for the research.

Patricia Cox Crews, Ph.D.
Cather Professor of Textiles &
Director, International Quilt Study Center
Dept. of Textiles, Clothing & Design
234 HE Building
P.O. Box 830838
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68583-0838
PHONE:  402/472-6342
FAX:  402/472-0640

                      "Margaret E.
                      Geiss-Mooney"            To:       TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                      <mgmooney@MOONWAR        cc:
                      E.NET>                   Subject:  University study on adhesives used in quilt
                      Sent by: Textile          making

                      10/13/2003 10:54
                      Please respond to

Thank you to Dr. Patricia Crews and Janet Evenson of the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln for putting together a study
(and writing a report) on the effect of light and ageing on selected
quilting products containing adhesives. Now we textile conservators have
additional ammunition when we are asked at those lectures we give at quilt
guild meetings as to why these products shouldn't be used if a quilter
to have a quilt that lasts for multi-generations. And why we don't use the
products to conserve quilts.

Their report in its entirety is at:

Keep up the good work, Patricia and Janet!

Margaret (Meg) Geiss-Mooney
Textile/Costume Conservator
Professional Associate, AIC
in beautiful northern California in the Fall

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