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upholstery and quilts

> Ann:
> There is a seminar that the MFA is hosting, and one day will be held in
> Rhode Island.  I learned about it on the AIC web site:
> http://aic.stanford.edu/profdev/uphdes.html
> I also wanted to mention a quilt symposium that will be held in September
> Historic Deerfield.  I just found out about it - I don't think it has
> been widely publicized but it sounds very interesting.  There is contact
> information in this web page for more information:
> http://www.historic-deerfield.org/pressreleases/03quiltsymposium.html
> Deborah Bede
> Stillwater Textile Conservation Studio, LLC
> Bradford NH 03221
> (603) 938-2310
> (603) 938-2455 fax
> stillwaterstudio@xxxxxxxxxxx
> www.stillwaterstudio.org

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