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Re: NATCC - Publicity

Abigail, The following information is updated and correct. There was a bit of confusion with an r and t of the email address. Claudia

-----Original Message-----
From: Abigail Hart [mailto:ahtc@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2003 10:06 PM
To: TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: NATCC - Publicity

Dear Claudia,

I am interested in this conference but have found that my emails to
Ruth.Potter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are bouncing back.   Is this the correct email
address? can I find out about the conference by fax or post?

It would be lovely if you had time to reply on this matter,

kind regards,

Abigail Edwards-Hart
Abigail Hart Textile Conservation

> From: Claudia Iannuccilli <CIannuccilli@xxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: Textile Conservators <TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 18:01:36 -0500
> To: TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: NATCC - Publicity
> Would you please post the conference info for NATCC on your web site. Please
> send confirmation if this is possible.
> Thank you, Claudia P. Iannuccilli
> <<NATCC - Publicity Document.doc>>

Attachment: North American Textile Conservation Conference.doc
Description: North American Textile Conservation Conference.doc

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