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Fwd: Re: Gloves

Please see attached from Marion Kite.

Albertina Cogram
Textile Conservation Section
Victoria and Albert Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 2RL
020 7942 2123 (tel)
020 7942 2092 (fax)
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Please read ICOM-CC Edinburgh Conference Pre-Prints 1996, My paper on Gloves in the Leather and Related Objects Section.   I describe the use of a perspex mount which should be able to be adapted and fixed to a board to carry out a mounting procedure  for gloves in a frame. The mounts as described can be vertical or horizontal
All best wishes
>>> Nancy Love <nancyklove@xxxxxxxxx> 04/08 5:03 pm >>>
I would like some suggestions for mounting a pair of
kid gloves in a vertcal frame.  The owner wants them
in the same frame with a photograph.


Nancy Love

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