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Re: The next two meetings of the Textile Conservation Group

Title: RE: The next two meetings of the Textile Conservation Group

Your meetings looke very interesting.  Could you send me an address for Nell Znamierowski please.  We (at the University of Alberta) have been working with fibre artists in our community regarding conservation.  We also have cleaned and restored a number of 1970's weavings in our workshop - weaving which were poorly constructed.

Elizabeth Richards
University of Alberta

-----Original Message-----
From: Rebecca A Rushfield [mailto:wittert@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 12:25 PM
To: TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: The next two meetings of the Textile Conservation Group

The next two meetings of the Textile
Conservation Group will take place on:

Monday February 24, 2003 at 6:00 p.m.
at the Conservation Center 14, East 78th
Street, NYC
   Nell Znamierowski will speak on "A fiber
artist's views on conservation"

Monday March 3, 2003 at 6:00 p.m.
at Fashion Institute of  Technology, 7th Ave
& 27th Street, NYC
   Sandra Sardjano will speak on "Silk Road
Tour: A Report. Eastern Caravan Route from
the Han to the Tang Period"

All are invited to attend, but there is a $5 charge
for non-members. Please phone or email your
reservations to Rebecca Rushfield 718/575-2702
or wittert@xxxxxxxx

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