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Correx/corraplast/corrulite for use in storage

> ----------
> Dear Disc. List members:  I'm interested in talking to people who have had experience in using Correx/corraplast or corrulite for creating long term storage boxes.  I am trying to find out information on the differences between what is called "archival grade" vs other grades, what type of finishes and additives are acceptable for long term storage and which are not.  I am also interested in information as to sources, both for pre-made boxes, custom boxes and for just the board itself.   Our source for the last several years (for both custom boxes and for board) has told us that their supplier has upped its minimum of "archival" grade Correx to something far beyond what we can purchase.  
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Sarah Gates
> Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 
-sorry if this comes through twice, I have two different TEXCONS addresses

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