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Re: new email address

Hi Gina, the TEXCONS list subscription and unsubscription is done by a computer, so if you need to change you should follow this protocol.

Thanks, Gail.

Last updated on: April 3, 2002

Welcome to the Textile Conservation Discussion List.  This
electronic discussion list, TexCons, has been developed to expedite
communication among textile conservators within the textile
community worldwide.

TexCons is an open un-moderated discussion list.  The list
co-owners are Mary W. Ballard in Washington, D.C.
(ballardm@xxxxxxxxxxxx) and S. Gail Niinimaa in Calgary, Alberta

The primary purpose of TexCons is to serve as a discussion forum to
help colleagues with questions/answers on specific problems,
treatment materials, techniques, methods, and other specific
problems or queries relating to textile conservation.  For
example, some subjects appropriate to the TexCons discussion and
exchange are:

1. Health and safety information, especially product hazards and 
   sources for information on containing/handling hazards.
2. Suppliers/products, but not advertisements.  Suppliers should 
   post only if they are answering an inquiry about a particular 
3. Literature citations that are of interest to textile
   conservators, particularly those in non-conservation journals.
4. Exhibition announcements with dates, museum hours, catalogues 
   (with price and currencies, shipping/handling).
5. Courses, symposia, and seminar announcements.  Pertinent
   information should include:  dates, location, topics,
   sponsoring organization, address, telephone and FAX numbers,  
   whom to contact.
6. Hotels (with room rates), travel bargains, and other travel   
   services, preferably vetted by course/symposia /seminar 
   announcers.  Roommate searches to defray costs of attending
   such a conference or seminar.
7. Position and intern announcements, related to the Textile     
   Conservation profession.
8. Other topics that affect communication among textile
   conservators and the textile conservation profession i.e.
   address and position changes, deaths, relocation, etc.
   Matters of a personal nature should not be distributed through
   this forum.

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On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 12:59 PM, Virginia J. Whelan wrote:

I have changed my email account. The new address is:
Hope all is well. Send me a line to make sure it's working! I'd love to hear from you.
Gina (Virginia)

Virginia Whelan
740 Hazelhurst Avenue
Merion Station, PA 19066 USA
email: vjwhelan@xxxxxxxxxxx

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