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NMAI Summer Mellon Fellowships in Ethnographic Textile and Objects Conservation

Summer Work Project with the Conservation Department of the National Museum
of the American Indian, Cultural Resources Center, Suitland, MD.
June 2, 2003 - August 8, 2003

The National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) is offering three summer
work projects in ethnographic artifact and textile conservation funded by
the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.  The Conservation Laboratory and NMAI's
Cultural Resource Center in Suitland, MD (Metro DC area) is the work site.
Projects will focus primarily on the survey and treatment of artifacts for
exhibits in the new museum building on the National Mall in Washington, DC
(scheduled to open in 2004) and other on-going exhibit and publication
projects.  The projects are intended to cultivate practical skills as well
as to foster a solid understanding of the contexts of material culture, the
philosophies of conservation at NMAI, and the ethics of the conservation
profession.  Museum programming involves collaboration with Native Peoples
in the development of appropriate methods of care for, and interpretation of
their cultural materials.

Candidates who demonstrate a career interest in the conservation of
material culture of indigenous peoples of North, South and Central American
will be especially welcome.  Recent graduates from and students currently
enrolled in a conservation graduate program are encouraged to apply.

Applications, postmarked no later than February 7, 2003, must include:  a
cover letter explaining candidate's interests and intent in applying for the
summer project, curriculum vitae including basic biographical information
with current and permanent addresses and telephone numbers, three letters of
recommendation, two from professional/academic sources and one from a
personal referee, and transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work
(cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better is expected).

Notifications will be sent by March 15, 2003.  The 10-week summer project
includes a generous stipend.  Dates for the projects are June 2 - August 8,

NMAI is an equal opportunity employer.  All applications should be sent

Marian A. Kaminitz
National Museum of the American Indian/Smithsonian Institution
Cultural Resources Center, MRC 541
4220 Silver Hill Road
Suitland, MD  20746.

For more information please call: (301)238-6624 ext. 6322
Or email: kaminitzm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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