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Re: Portable pH meters

I would just like to add a word of caution: My experience of pH meters
is very mixed and I suggest that before you buy a flat electrode meter,
you test it on all the surfaces you might want to measure the pH of, [in
case it need to make the surfaces so wet it is unusable] and ask about
recalibration and indeed about drying out problems.

I would be very interested in the results of your research; I am sure
that pH meters have improved since I last looked at them.

message <E0EA5A04E018FE47B63804A6DCC601624754E0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
, Ellis, Shirley <shirley.ellis@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes
>We are looking for a portable pH meter with a flat electrode that can read
>the pH of textiles or paper, or liquids.  Does anyone have or know of one
>that they can recommend?
>Shirley Ellis, MAC, CAPC
>Department of Human Ecology
>B-20 Human Ecology Building
>University of Alberta
>Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2N1
>ph (780) 492-7678  fax (780) 492-4821
>email:  shirley.ellis@xxxxxxxxxxx

Janet Farnsworth

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