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Bleaching questionnnaire

Since there seems to be a lot of interest at the moment about bleaching
we were hoping that this would be a good time to ask people to fill out
our questionnaire. We are thinking of writing a review of bleaching
treatments as part of our ongoing interest in conservation bleaching. If
you could complete the following short questionnaire, to help us find
out what is actually being done in the way of bleaching treatments
today, it would be a great help. It should only take a few seconds, and
if you could return it to janet_tc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx .uk, by altering the
reply to button it would save blocking up the dislist with replies.
Thank you.

Alison Lister and Janet Farnsworth, formerly of the Textile Conservation
centre and now independent conservators,

Research into the Recent History of Bleaching in Textile Conservation _a
pilot study.

1. How many times in the last 10 years have you bleached a textile? More
than 10 o, 3-10 o, 1-3 o, never o, if never please proceed to question

2. How many times in the last ten years have you used a dual bleaching
system? [a combination of oxidising and reducing bleaches] ? More than
10 o, 3-10 o, 1-3 o, never o.

3. Which oxidative bleach do you favour? Hydrogen Peroxide o
Percarbonates  o perborates o Other o please specify:

4. Which reductive bleach do you favour? Borohydrides o Dithionites o
Titanium Trichloride o Other? please specify:

5. How many times in the last ten years have you used chlorine bleaches?
(Chlorine T, Per chlorates, domestic bleach)  More than 10 o, 3-10 o,
1-3 o, never o.

6. Which type of textile do you bleach most often? White cotton o White
linen o white silk or wool coloured cotton other coloured textile o
please specify

7. If you do not do bleaching could you give a brief reason why not?

8. How many years have you been a practising conservator?1-4 ?,5-14
?,15-24 ?, 25 or over?.

Janet Farnsworth

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