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RE: ICOM Meetings

In addition to the ICOM/ Conservation Committee, there are other ICOM meetings and "interim" meetings that may be of interest to textile discussion group participants: if anyone has the opportunity to attend, please consider posting an abstract of the meeting afterwards and news of whether or not the papers presented are available as Preprint books! 
1. "Conservation Working Group Modern Materials"  March 12-14, 2001  Cologne/Koln, Germany with the themes of training conservators of modern art; restoration of PUR foams, and research into modern materials.
2. "Conservation Working Group Wet Organic and Arcaheological Materials, 8th WOAM Conference" theme: conservation of wet organic materials. case studies and research. June 11-15, 2001 Stockholm, Sweden Contact: Per Hoffmann email postmaster@xxxxxx 
3. "Conservation Education and Training in Conservation and Restoration" September 19-22, 2001 Galaxidi, Greece Contact Georgios Panagiaris email gpanag@xxxxxxxxx 
4. "ICOM General Conference" July 1-8, 2001 Barcelon, Spain appears to have a session on Conservation and organizational change, with the theme "museum conservation in transition--reinventing the conservation department?" Contract David Grattan email David_Grattan@xxxxxxxxx 

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