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Re: Laboratories

Amy Rosenberg wrote:

> I need to know a bit of information,  If you can give it to me or know of
> someone who can, please inform me.
> I need to know how much space per object in the lab one usually allows.
> You see, I'm helping someone ask for funds and she doesn't know what to ask
> for.  She is also asking what lab instruments one needs.  If you have
> advice, please submit that!

Dear Amy,
here in Amsterdam, the institution where I teach (Dutch Instituite for
Cultural Heritage - ICN) is going to share a new conservation facility with
the Rijksmuseum.
The area allowed per conservator is 10m2 which includes the following:
2 tables, 1.5 x 0.8m = 2.4m2
tool trolley, 0.5 x 0.5m = 0.3m2
plus room to move  = total 10m2 per person

Textiles larger than 4 x 4m will not be treated in the ICN lab: we set a size
limit in order to be pragmatic.

As a very general, yet specific to our situation with some shared facilities
(wet cleaning, dyeing, object depot, photo studio, office), the following area
is allowed for the basic lab elements for 5 students:
2 lamps on wheels = 0.6m2
2 cupboards 1 x0.4m2 = 0.8m2
2 cupboards 1 x 0.6 = 1.2m2
sink = 2 x 0.6m2 = 1.2m2
3 stereomicroscopes on wheels = 0.9m2
plus room to move  = total 10m2

In Adelaide, Australia where I advised on the set up of a lab in the 80's, the
maximum area was based on the largest textiles in the client institutions.
After a few years, the facility started a commercial program, and the once
spacious lab became suddenly became inconveniently small. Try to take future
developments into account!

As for what lab instruments, that depends on too many factors to be able to
give a sensible answer. She could consult (and pay!) a textile conservator for
a specifc and expert advice.

Good luck,

Jenny Barnett
Head tutor in textile conservation
Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage
tel 00 31 (0)20 305 4662 (Thursdays)
fax  00 31(0)20 305 4620
jenny.barnett@xxxxxx (Thursdays)
andelos@xxxxxxxxx (rest of week)

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