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Call for Papers


"Strengthening the Bond:  Science and Textiles"
North American Textile Conservation Conference Textile Symposium 2002

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, Delaware

April 5-6, 2002


The North American Textile Conservation Conference in 2002 will focus on the role of scientific analysis as a means of expanding our knowledge of textile history and conservation practices.  Our goal is to present a broad spectrum of information ranging from projects using low-tech inexpensive techniques to those involving instrumental analysis.  Submissions are requested from scientists, curators, and conservators on topics that may include but are not limited to:  identification of materials (fiber, dyes, finishes, etc.); textile technology and manufacturing; evaluation of conservation materials or techniques, past, present and/or under development;  dating and attribution; and, case histories of collaboration between scientists, textile curators and/or conservators.

Papers are also solicited for a session on new developments in the field of textile conservation, which need not be relevant to the main conference theme.

Abstracts (up to 250 words) describing the project, research, and results or anticipated results must be submitted by June 1, 2001.  All submissions should also include  the title of the submission, the author's name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers, and a one-paragraph biography.  Accepted papers will be published by NATCC as pre-prints.

Proposals for posters should also be submitted by this date.

e-mail submission are encouraged, paper submissions will be given equal consideration.

send/e-mail to:  Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss
National Museum of American History
Behring Center
Room 332, MRC 668
14th and Constitution Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20560-0668

e-mail:  thomassenkrauss@xxxxxxxxxxx

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