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Re: Tibetan Antique Chuba

Dear Ms. Knies, Thank you for your inquiry. 
1) Under separate cover (US mail) I  shall send you a list of dry cleaners that do specialty cleaning and stain removal. The Smithsonian does not "recommend" but does provide advice and suggestions! You may wish to contact some costume conservators as well (I'll send a list of costume conservators also). In either case, you will want to write out a description of the garment, its problems, what you would like to do with it (preserve it/mount it) and its history as you know it--where it is from, its size, materials. Some photographs or slides would be especially helpful to send along. Ask for a cost estimate, treatment proposal, shipping instructions, when they can begin work. Don't mail your chuba without a signed contractual agreement/letter of intent from the business.
2) If you are confident in the dating and history of the garment that is fne. If you have questions or issues about the textile, I would suggest you contact Ms. Valrae Reynolds, curator of Asian art at the Newark Museum, Newark New Jersey. Although her specialty is tanghkas, she would be able to refer you to knowledgeable specialists.
3) If you are sending the antique out of your home or apartment, you may wish to have a special schedule (rider or floater) for it on your homeowner's insurance--so in case of a fire etc--the chuba would not be treated like the loss of a regular jacket or coat.
Information on appraisals, photography, and general care and storage will come with the list of conservators and drycleaners.
With all best wishes, Mary W. Ballard, Senior Textiles Conservator, SCMRE

>>> whaleman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12/02/00 11:30AM >>>
I have recently purchased an antique (about 100 years old) Tibetan Chuba (a long robe).  The material is silk with a lining of something like linen.

I would like to preserve this properly.

I don't know if I should clean it, the person I purchased it from in Nepal said that they had it dry cleaned.  It has what looks to be sweat marks and some blood on it.  

I would appreciate any advise you can provide.

Sharon Knies
PO Box 9698
New Haven, CT 06536

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