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Merck Index!

Nancy & everyone--As Kathryn Scott says, No experience is ever wasted! I wasn't going to look up The Merck Index but since you asked on the disc. list...The Merck Index, an alphabetical reference book of chemicals, is available on line only through fee-based abstracting services (CIS, Inc., Dialog, STN International). A CD-rom version is available from Chapman & Hall. The hard copy (12th ed) can be purchased from Merck (cont US tel: 1-800-659-6598; worldwide: 1-732-594-4600; fax: 1-732-388-9778). University libraries and other large libraries would have it. For more information see www.merck.com  and Merck Publishing. It's always worthwhile to check out a chemical (surfactant, solvent, etc) in the Index before you use it. The Merck Index tends to be more explicit (more useful) about chemical properties and working properties than a MSDS--which is why Nancy was looking for it. Mary

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