Feel free to comment via the blog. bobbie From: Charles Wilt
[mailto:cwilt@xxxxxxx] For anyone who wishes
to comment. _____________________________________________ The ALA Committee on Accreditation
(COA) invites comment from your members and constituents via
blog on the
Standards for
Accreditation of Master's Programs in Library and Information Studies (2008) and in particular on the recommendations
of the Library Education Task Force in their final report issued January 13,
2009 to the ALA Executive Board for referral to COA. COA works in deliberate
systematic five-year cycles, collecting and analyzing comment and issuing draft
revisions as part of its charge "to develop and formulate standards of
education for library and information studies for the approval of Council"
(ALA Handbook of Organization). The Committee chose a blogging
approach to comment collection in order to provide an open ongoing forum
for all stakeholders in the accreditation process. Best wishes, Karen L. O'Brien Director, Office for
Accreditation American Library
Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611-2795 Ph 312-280-2434 Fx 312-280-2433 Homepage
http://www.ala.org/accreditation e-newsletter Prism http://www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/offices/accreditation/prp/prism/prism_current.cfm |