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[padg] PARS Election results

Dear Colleagues:


Please join us in congratulating Tara Kennedy, Yale University,  as our incoming Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (July 2009 – July 2012) and our incoming Members at Large, Kristen Kern, Portland State University, Oregon (July 2009-July 2012) and Elise Calvi (July 2009-July 2010) to the PARS Executive Committee.


And please thank Anne Marie Willer and Andrew Damico for giving the above some very tough competition. Speaking from experience, a lot of energy goes into filling out the paperwork and getting psyched up for the election.


All five deserve our applause and appreciation for their willingness to serve on the PARS Executive Committee and for all the support they have given our profession over the years.


I encourage all of you to step up to the plate as these individuals did when asked to be a candidate to the PARS Executive Committee.


Chair, Nancy E Kraft

Committee Members:

Brian J Baird

Sarah M Erekson

Karen Mokrzycki


Nancy E. Kraft
University of Iowa Libraries
100 Main Library
Iowa City, IA   52242-1420
319/335-5286  FAX 319/335-5900
email: nancy-e-kraft@xxxxxxxxx





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