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[padg] using survey monkey for scholarly research



I am attempting to determine what is the best method for gathering survey data, paper or electronic,  for an upcoming scholarly research article on a preservation topic that I am writing.  Do most of you still send out paper surveys? Or have you gone electronic? Do you send individual emails?


UF has a subscription to the Survey Monkey service and I was thinking to use it rather than mailing out paper surveys. Have you used it for gathering data for scholarly research usage? Have you found it reliable? I know SM has Excel output but is the data exported robust enough for use in SPSS??


If you would like to respond to the list for all to see, great. If not, and you respond directly to me, I will summarize for the list if interest is expressed.


Thank you,





Cathleen L. Martyniak

Preservation Department

University of Florida Smathers Libraries

Gainesville, FL 32611

(voice) 352 273 2830

(fax) 352 392 6597

(email) cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx



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