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[padg] Shrink wrapping workflows and documentation

We're about to start implementing a shrink wrapping program here at Syracuse University Library, and I was wondering if those of you also doing it would be willing to share any of your documentation, especially as concerns templates and workflows... 

The basic "reactive" preservation workflow is fairly easy and low volume for these materials but we're increasingly in a position to be proactive and scale up, so want to cover as many possible contingencies as possible.

One of these is that we've been busy here getting ready for a new off-site facility that is not quite as imminent as we hoped, but might as well get ready... Actions have included "completing" barcoding and making sure the catalog is accurate. Barcodes have been placed on the outside for several years now, but we will need to create many duplicate/new barcodes for those that don't have them on the outside.

I have heard the suggestion of "cards" that get slipped under the film and contain text instructing patrons to take the book to a staff member for consulting and then return it to the same for re-wrapping. On that we could track how many times the item has circulated and then either repair/conserve or replace one way or another. Would anyone be willing to share such templates?

To establish this process we'll be working closely with our cataloging staff and others such as bibliographers to make sure our selection policy makes sense.

Are there other things we should think about? Lots I'm sure.

Many thanks for any suggestions. I'll be happy to summarize.


Peter D. Verheyen
Head of Preservation and Conservation
Syracuse University Library
Syracuse, NY 13244

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