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[padg] FW: [alctsleaders] ALCTS CMDS DG on Academic Libraries 2009 ALA MW Meeting, Jan 24, 2009

May be of some interest.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julia M. Gelfand [mailto:jgelfand@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 11:34 PM
To: alctsleaders@xxxxxxx; jgelfand
Subject: [alctsleaders] ALCTS CMDS DG on Academic Libraries 2009 ALA MW Meeting, Jan 24, 2009

It would be most appreciated if you would share this announcement with your groups and committees.
Thanks so much,

The ALCTS CMDS Interest/Discussion Group on Collection Development in
Academic Libraries, in conjunction with the ALCTS CMDS Collection
Development. & Electronic Resources Committee will meet at the 2009 ALA
Midwinter Meeting:

   * Saturday, January 24, 2009 from 1:30-3:00
   * Curtis Hotel, Peek-a-Boo Room (that is for real!)

This year, we will try something a bit different, not only will we
co-sponsor this session, but we will try and emulate the best traditions
of the Charleston Conference on Book and Serial Acquisitions.  The
success of that conference is the open dialog and focus on specific
themes.  We have selected four topics related to important challenges
academic libraries have in managing electronic resources and have four
colleagues who will facilitate these discussions and raise some key
issues shared at the many programs at Charleston to keep this dialog
moving, relevant and full of the usual helpful hints and contrary
opinion that we can all learn from!  We expect this to be a fast-paced,
enthusiastic session with time to report back for the benefit of the
group.  It may be helpful to review the 2008 Charleston program  - many
of the notes and powerpoint slides are available at

The four topics we selected are:

  1. Usage Statistics - Are we drowning in data: - institutional
     practices in using & interpreting the numbers - led by Feng Shan,
     Indiana University, South Bend
  2. Usage Statistics - Interpreting differences between consortial
     data and individual library data - led by Andrea Imre, Southern
     Illinois University
  3. eBooks - The utility of different kinds of packages - by subject,
     publisher, aggregators, access in approval plans - any messages to
     be sent to publishers and providers? - led by Brian Quinn, Texas
     Tech University
  4. eBooks - Issues related to use - concurrent access, ILL, Library
     Reserves, as textbooks, fiction vs non-fiction, etc. -  led by
     David Feinmark, Washburn University

There are still chances to volunteer as we need recorders for each sessions.

We look forward to seeing everyone in Denver.  Please share this message widely with colleagues or on other lists as you deem appropriate.

Julia Gelfand
University of California, Irvine Libraries
Chair, CMDS Collection Development in Academic Libraries Interest Group for 2009

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