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September 15, 2008

Jane Long, jlong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mary Rogers, mrogers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


WASHINGTON, D.C.---Heritage Emergency National Task Force resources help
archives, libraries, historic sites, museums, and the public cope with
damage from disasters. Please share the following resources with
colleagues affected by recent hurricanes, tropical storms, and

Submit damage reports and find contact information for state cultural
and emergency management agencies at the Task Force Hurricanes and
Tropical Storms 2008
<www.heritagepreservation.org/PROGRAMS/TFcurrent.html> Web page. Each of
the following is available from this central resource page. 

Expert advice for libraries, museums, and the public on rescuing
treasures from water damage is available as free streaming video.
Practical tips on safety, salvage priorities, and equipment help the
viewer get started on the rescue of photographs, books, documents, and
other valued items. 

The award-winning Field Guide to Emergency Response and Emergency
Response and Salvage Wheel provide clear and practical advice on dealing
with disasters that affect cultural resources. An instructional DVD
accompanies the Field Guide. A rapid collections assessment form and
supply lists are available to download.

Guide to Navigating FEMA and SBA Disaster Aid for Cultural Institutions
(in print or online) leads cultural institutions through the process of
applying to FEMA and the Small Business Administration for assistance
after major disasters. All of the necessary forms are included. 

Working with Emergency Responders: Tips for Cultural Institutions
(poster) provides practical advice on how to find and build
relationships with local emergency responders, what responders need to
know to better protect cultural institutions, and how to interact with
emergency response professionals before, during, and after an emergency.

Save Your Treasures the Right Way provides simple guidelines for the
public to help them salvage family photographs and other heirlooms.
Streaming video illustrates the guidelines. Both resources are ideal for
use online or in newspaper and newsletter articles.

Heritage Emergency National Task Force
The Task Force is a partnership of 40 national service organizations and
federal agencies created to protect cultural heritage from the damaging
effects of natural disasters and other emergencies. The Task Force was
founded in 1995 and is co-sponsored by Heritage Preservation and the
Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Heritage Preservation
For over 30 years, Heritage Preservation has been the national,
nonprofit advocate for the proper care of all cultural heritage-in
museums, libraries, homes, and town squares.

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