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[padg] Call for IMLS Conservation Reviewers

Call for IMLS Conservation Reviewers

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge of collections care and treatment?
Are you searching for an opportunity to give back to the field?

Would you like to be part of a community of conservation professionals helping
to evaluate applications and shape IMLS programs?

Then this is the perfect opportunity for you!  IMLS is looking for conservation
professionals to review applications from two grant programs this fall and
provide feedback on the process.  Reviewers with expertise in the treatment and
care of all types of collections held in stewardship in museums, libraries, and
archives are needed to provide technical analysis and constructive feedback to
applicants.  If this describes you, IMLS would like you to apply to be a

Each field reviewer is sent between 7-10 applications to review based on your
areas of expertise.  Reviews are completed using our online system which is
accessible on the web, so you can review whenever it fits into your schedule. 
If you have previously been a reviewer for IMLS but haven’t reviewed in a
while or have been thinking about reviewing but have not yet signed up, now is
the time to let us know you are interested.

Here is a synopsis of the two programs:
American Heritage Preservation Grants— grants of up to $3,000 to raise
awareness and fund preservation of treasures held in small and mid-sized
museums, libraries and archives for one of three project types:  treatment of
library, museum and archival collections; improvement of collections storage;
environmental improvement of collections.

Review Period: October 28-November 30
Honorarium: $200

Conservation Project Support Grants— matching grants from $5,000-$150,000 to
help museums identify conservation needs and priorities and perform activities
to ensure the safekeeping of all types of collections (nonliving, natural
history/anthropology, living plants, living animals)  Projects fall into one of
four general areas: surveys of collections, improvement of collections
environment, treatment of collections, and training proposals.

Review Period: November 15-December 18
Honorarium: $200

If you are interested in reviewing for either of these programs, please send
your resume and which program(s) you are interested in to Christine Henry,
Senior Program Officer at IMLS, chenry@xxxxxxxx and if you have any questions
please don’t hesitate to call me at (202) 653-4674.

Thanks for your service to the field!

Christine Henry
Senior Program Officer
Office of Museum Services
Institute of Museum and Library Services
1800 M Street NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036-5802
Phone: 202-653-4674
Fax: 202-653-4608

Visit www.imls.gov to learn more about the Institute’s programs, news, and 
initiatives; and to sign up for Primary Source, our monthly e-newsletter.

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