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[padg] Re: Optelec low-vision magnifiers

FWIW, I'm mildly visually impaired and work as a special collections
librarian.  I'm surprised you have not encountered this before. This product
looks like a better version of the video magnification systems, I've used on
a limited basis in the past.  FWIW, the Lilly Library at Indiana University
had one in their reading room, and were quite eager to pull it out.  I'm
sure Jim Canary can tell you if the device has caused any concern for
preservation of the collection, but I cannot see how it would.  If you have
an object that is extraordinarily sensitive to light, I suppose it could
pose some problems, but no more than using special lighting to see
watermarks and chain lines would.  Do you know why the patron needs to use
this particular device?  There may be another way to meet his/her needs that
you are more comfortable with. I've known people with various visual
impairments who did not necessarily need magnification who did need
different color, contract etc to see pages easily.

On 7/21/08 2:50 PM, "Perrotta, Lorraine" <lperrotta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Does anyone out there have experience with patrons using Optelec
> magnifiers while using library materials?  We have had a request from a
> reader and we need to assess the use of this device on rare materials in
> our reading room.

Angie Brunk MLS, MA
Reference, Outreach and Special Collections Librarian
East Central University
Ada, Oklahoma

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