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[padg] Re: mission statements for Pres depts?

The Columbia University Libraries Preservation and Digital Conversion Division provides a comprehensive program to prolong the existence and accessibility of the collections for current and future students and scholars. The Division is responsible for preservation of materials in all formats and genres, including the Libraries’ digital resources, and for conversion of analog content to digital form. Preservation involves action taken to prevent or retard deterioration of physical materials through correct housing and environment; where possible, to improve their condition through conservation treatment; and, as necessary, to change their format in order to preserve their intellectual content. Preservation of digital resources involves action taken to assure enduring access over time to the full content of those resources and the metadata that makes the content discoverable and usable, including submission to a trusted digital repository.

(Statement revised 9/07)

Janet Gertz
Director, Preservation and Digital Conversion Division
Columbia University Libraries

Ann Marie Willer wrote:
If your preservation department has a mission statement, I would appreciate your sending me a link to its location online or pasting it into a reply to AMWillerALA@xxxxxxxxxx

Thanks very much!
Ann Marie

Ann Marie Willer
Preservation Services Librarian
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Building 14-0513
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-253-5692 phone

Send ALA business to: AMWillerALA@xxxxxxxxx

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